5 Ways to Be a More Eco-Friendly Camper
Camping is the ultimate way to be at one with nature, but it can also be surprisingly detrimental to the environment. As you prepare for your next camping trip, keep these tips...
You can’t go to Monument Valley without getting italicize: the shot - you know the one I’m talking about. The Forrest Gump, “I think I’m gon...
Tips For Hiking With Dogs in the Summer
The summer heat has arrived and if you’re feeling the heat, so is your pup! Hiking with your dog is a fun year-round activity for most areas, but there are times wh...
Don’t Be a Square: Say No to Instagram FOMO
Last week, I went hiking after work on a trail close to my office. It was a beautiful evening: the grasses were at that beautiful stage of green before they turn summer-brown, the s...
An Every Day Guide to Lessening Your Impact
I went to school in a pretty environmentally conscious town and I would watch with admiration as bussinessmen wearing Gucci would board the ...
I love a good purge. And I really look forward to spring cleaning. Clearing out, cleaning up, creating space to live in! Feeling like you live in a brand-new home w...