
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

One of the best ways to support our planet is to put our money where our mouths are - by buying from companies that also support Mother Earth. 

There are tons of ways companies can be environmentally sustainable, from using eco-friendly materials in their products, to supporting conservation initiatives, to going solar in their factories or headquarters. 

There are lots of niche, small brands focused on supporting the environment, and I try to buy from them whenever possible to support both small business and the environment. However, there are also big brands out there that are doing awesome things, on a much bigger scale than many small businesses are able to do. 

Whether you’re at a gas station searching for a snack, or your favorite outdoors store getting ready for an adventure, here are a few big brands that you can feel good about purchasing from. 


Operating as a co-op, each year REI gives back the majority of its profit to the community. In 2016, they invested $9.3 million in non-profit partners in areas such as maintaining trail systems, re-wilding areas and encouraging diverse communities to get outside. In addition to their large investments in the outdoors, they are working towards becoming a climate-neutral and zero-waste-to-landfill organization by 2020. REI signed on to the powerful letter supporting public lands sent to Secretary Ryan Zinke in 2017, as well as carries many of the products of other brands that also signed on. Feel good about shopping at the co-op! 


Cotopaxi’s colorful gear is iconic. Sport that retro-vibe and llama sticker in good conscience because they’re up to some awesome things. Most of their products are colorful, and randomly so, as they use leftover scraps of material that would otherwise be discarded to make their gear. In addition to reducing waste while giving you a one-of-a-kind piece of wearable art, Cotopaxi dedicates 2% of its profits to alleviating poverty across the globe. 

Clif Bar 

The Clif Bar company, which also encompasses Luna Bar, touts their environmental philosophy as thinking like a tree. Trees run on 100 percent renewable energy, recycle all waste, and sustain and improve the places they grow. Clif Bar’s ingredients are sourced from sustainable ingredients and their products use recyclable packaging. They help their suppliers go green in their factories and reward employees for turning their homes and commutes more energy efficient. Snack with peace of mind. 


Hydroflask’s insulated products make it easy to say no to disposable plastic cups and water bottles. Besides creating products that make it easy to make earth-friendly choices, Hydroflask provides grants for nonprofit organizations through their Parks for All program to help build, maintain, restore and provide access to parks. Grant recipients include the National Parks Foundation and the Trust for Public Lands. Feel good about drinking ice cold water on a scorching summer trail. 

There’s plenty of ways to show your love for Mother Nature. Don’t forget that shopping is one of the most important!

Narrator: This blog was thoughtfully written by Mikaela Ruland. You can find her on Instagram @airundermyheels.

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