Wild Keeper Spotlight: Robbie Gershon

Wild Keeper Spotlight: Robbie Gershon

Meet 4th term Wild Keeper Robbie who is based in Bend, Oregon! Robbie has always loved the outdoors and nature, and as a kid, she'd spend a lot of her free time kayaking, traveling, hiking, and playing with bugs and wildflowers. Going along with these memories, she said that, "as a child, I loved playing with wildflowers, bugs, and in mud! I think this is what sparked my love for nature. I also traveled a bunch when I was a kid, and I always loved the more ‘rustic’ trips we took where I’d spend time in nature rather than exploring cities!" Tacking on to that she shared, "this is one of the reasons I left NY to move to the west coast, where I spend most of my free time exploring the mountains!" She told us that her favorite ways to experience the outdoors is by 

hiking, biking, camping, backpacking, and skiing. One of her most memorable experiences so far has been hiking up south sister in central Oregon at 1:30 am under the full moon for sunrise, which she did very recently! 

We want to strive towards an inclusive outdoors experience, and industry, for all. Robbie shared that for
 the most part, she has felt included in the outdoors, but "one memory that comes to mind is when someone judged the brand of my jacket. It was a random brand, and a jacket my mom got me years ago that I still wear because it is warm and super comfy. I think people are quick to judge others in the outdoors space base off the gear they have or what they choose to wear."


Learn more about Robbie and her Wild Keeping below! 

 KNW: What's your favorite trail snack?
Robbie: My favorite adventure snack is fresh melon (cantaloupe or honey dew) and plantain chips!

KNW: Which would you pick between mountains, forests or desert?
R: Mountains! 

KNW: What is your favorite thing about being a Wild Keeper?
R: I love being a wild keeper because it is a great community full of like minded individuals who are working together to keep our earth clean and beautiful.

KNW: What has picking up trash outdoors done for you?
R: Picking up trash may seem like a simple, minor act, however, I have learned that it does make a big impact on keeping our earth clean, and also helps inspire other people to make changes no matter how small or simple it may seem. My favorite is when people thank me when they see me picking up trash and helping to make a difference.

KNW: Roughly how many pounds do you think you've picked up since you became a Wild Keeper?
R: 50-60lbs

KNW: What goals do you have for this year? (or beyond?)
R: I want to continue to help our environment, so a goal of mine is to eventually start some sort of sustainable company

Reading next

The Wonders of the Vanishing Lake Mead
Wild Keeper Spotlight: Jordan Griffith

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