Wild Keeper Spotlight: Lia Clark

Wild Keeper Spotlight: Lia Clark

Meet Lia Clark, a 4th term Wild Keeper based in Denver, CO. Lia was introduced to the outdoors through a sleep away camp when she was 11. During her stay at camp she went on her first backpacking trip which she says, "was grueling and took me up a 14er and I never looked back. Nature is where I feel the most free." She shared that her most memorable adventure in the outdoors has been road tripping from Colorado to California and hiking North Dome in Yosemite. 

 When discussing representation, Lia shared, "As a member of the AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islander) community there aren’t a lot of people who look like me in outdoor spaces. Bring a KNW ambassador gives me the opportunity to connect with other AAPI individuals and build community while helping Mother Earth!"

 Learn more about Lia below! 

Keep Nature Wild: What is your preferred way to get outside?
Lia: Hiking and running

KNW: Which would you pick between forests, mountains or desert?
L: Growing up in Colorado I for sure would pick mountains.

KNW: What is your favorite thing about being a Wild Keeper?
L: Educating and inspiring others

KNW: What has picking up trash outdoors done for you? 
L: Picking up trash outdoors has helped me take ownership of the outdoors and lead others to actively participate in LNT!

KNW: Roughly how many pounds do you think you've picked up since you became a Wild Keeper?
L: I’ve probably picked up around a hundred pounds of trash in the outdoors and that’s just a drop in the bucket! 

KNW: What goals do you have for this year? (or beyond?)
L: I want to consume less and less plastic and hopefully achieve a zero waste year.

Follow along with Lia's adventures and wild keeping here


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An Intro to Wildfire Season
Wild Keeper Spotlight: Alicia Greer

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