We're All About Responsible Apparel

We're All About Responsible Apparel

Keep It Wild is doing great things when it comes to keeping outdoor places clean and pristine, but their sincere and steadfast conservation mindset doesn’t end there. 

Did you know Keep It Wild only sources from WRAP (Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production) Certified Factories? It’s true. And it’s just one of myriad reasons you can feel good about any and every purchase from the Keep It Wild shop

WRAP is a globally-recognized and independently-run nonprofit dedicated to promoting safe, lawful, humane, and ethical manufacturing through certification and education. Companies accepted into the WRAP family undergo an extensive application and vetting process to ensure any and all sewn products are produced under lawful, humane, and ethical conditions. 

WRAP Certified Factories are places where forced labor, child labor, harassment, and abuse are strictly prohibited, and where fair and adequate compensation, benefits, as well as health and safety protocols are mandatory. They’re places where garments and supplies are ethically sourced in a human-conscious and environmentally sustainable fashion.

Simply stated: Keep It Wild only works with manufacturing partners who respect both the people they employ and the outdoors we all enjoy. 

They also work diligently to partner locally wherever and whenever they can, which means all of Keep It Wild’s screen-printing and embroidery work is done in Arizona, by local artists they trust and know by name. Every online order is packed, inspected, and shipped via the Keep It Wild warehouse in Mesa, Arizona, by a team of three dedicated employees who care as much about maintaining an ethical and responsible supply chain as the founder of the company does. 

It’s rare to find a company that’s as transparent as Keep It Wild is when it comes to where their products come from and exactly how they’re created, but to me, it’s never felt surprising. I’m here because Keep It Wild cares about people and the world we all share, and I’d wager that’s at least part of the reason you’re here right now, too. 

Most of us are privileged enough to have choices about where we shop, what clothes we wear, and ultimately, what sorts of brands, companies, and clothing manufacturers we’re supporting with our money. If you haven’t already made the switch, consider setting a goal to only support ethically and environmentally-minded businesses for the rest of the year. Make a pact to donate to local conservation nonprofits, sign up for a clean-up near you, and purchase any and all gifts from businesses with known and ethical supply chains. 

When in doubt shop small and as locally as possible, and whenever you do know you’re making big impacts to small and sustainably-minded businesses down the line.

Narrator: This blog was thoughtfully written by Kerri Anne Stebbins. You can find her on Instagram @kerri_anne.

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