The numbers are in! This is what we donated for Pride Month

The numbers are in! This is what we donated for Pride Month


$12,251.22 Donated

to The Trevor Project from the OUTside Together Collection in June with your help!
We believe we're better outside together and we are so proud and honored to have donated 100% of proceeds for the OUTside Together Collection during Pride Month 2021 to The Trevor Project, a powerful non-profit organization providing life saving support to LGBTQIA+ youth.



Our allyship doesn't end there. We're dedicated to creating a safe and welcoming space for all outdoor lovers. The outdoors is for everyone.

We are still donated to The Trevor Project with your help. 10% of proceeds from the OUTside Together Collection are continuously being donated to The Trevor Project. Shop the collection here. 


Interested in Reading More?

 How to be an ally in the outdoors + beyond. We believe and support that we are all better together in the outdoors. For this to happen, the outdoors must be an inclusive, welcoming, and safe space for any and every body. If you're wondering where to start or how to be a better ally to the LGBTQIA+ community, here are some steps to take that were shared by Bearfoot Theory from Lettie Stratton, founder of Wild Wanderer, an outdoor adventure site for the LGBTQ+ community. Read More >


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We've hit a huge milestone together: 500,000 pounds of trash picked up!

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